Configure Eclipse IDE for JPA MetaModel Generation for Jhipster Project
After generating a project using Jhipster 6.8.0, when the project was imported to Eclipse IDE 2020–03 (4.15.0), Eclipse IDE shows error to <entity name> file. Probably, Eclipse could not generate jpa static meta model classes <entiti name>_ . Even though “hibernate-jpamodelgen” depenedency is present in pom.xml, still it gives the error.
You need to enable annotation processing and add two external jar files viz hibernate-jpamodelgen and jaxb-api to the project.
You can download mentioned external jar files viz hibernate-jpamodelgen and jaxb-api from maven repository file. Links are
Enable Annotation and Add these external jar as follows:
Under Eclipse project Explorer window ->Right Click Project Name -> Properties -> Java Compiler-> Annotation processing -> [Tick Enable project specific settings, Tick Enable annotation processing] -> Factory Path ->Add External jars -> [ Select downloaded jars]-> Apply & Close.